RediLevel 2100 DLS
page 4
EL 29306
© 2022 Electrolab, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
All responses are terminated with
(cccc=16 bit CRC field in hexadecimal)
followed by a carriage return linefeed pair
. All alpha hexadecimal characters
are lower case.
The prefix to all commands and responses is
is the unit number (00-
31). The unit number is the identity of the level sensor to which a command is
addressed or which generates the response. ‘*’ may be used as a wild card character
for either digit in the unit number field ‘uu’. The responding level sensor will always
convert wildcard characters to the actual unit number.
Commands, which modify a level sensor configuration, always return the command
string and ‘OK’ if successful. ‘EEerr’ replaces ‘OK’ if there is a problem storing the
configuration data in the level sensor EEPROM.
Data Request Commands
Report Level and Temperature
is a two-digit unit number from 00 to 31( “*” may be used as a wildcard for either digit)
Do Not use the wildcard “**” if connected to more than one level sensor, as all sensors will respond
where uu = unit number
lll.ll = level in inches (repeated for sensors with 2 floats)
ttt = temperature in degrees F
eeee = error number
0 = No errors
1= No float detected
2 = One float is out of range on a two-float sensor
3 = Too many groups
4 = (reserved)
5 = Transmit to slave processor for level failed
6 = Transmit to slave processor for temperature failed
7 = Receive from slave processor of level failed
8 = Receive from slave processor of temperature failed
9 = No slave processors responding
: If errors 5 through 9 occur and persist after power cycling, the sensor should be returned for repair.
wwww = warning number
0 = No warnings
1 = Possible level degradation
Under normal circumstances the warning field is 0. It will display
if the sensor is configured for two
floats and only one group of switches is detected (i.e., only one float is present or both floats are
: The number of decimal places in a data field implies nothing about the accuracy of the
data, i.e., levels are not accurate to 0.01 inches.