-Array Install™ Xi-1152/94 Loudspeaker System
X-Array Install™ Xi-1152/94 Loudspeaker System
Figure 2—Frequency Response
The frequency response of the system was
measured on axis in the farfield in an
anechoic environment using a swept sine-
wave signal. The DN8000 digital electronic
unit was used to provide the necessary cross-
over filters, equalization and time delay. One
watt of power (2.83 volts rms at 250 Hz) was
applied to the midband of the low-frequency
section. The sound-pressure level was nor-
malized for an equivalent one meter distance.
12.5 kHz
3.15 kHz
4 kHz
5 kHz
6.3 kHz
8 kHz
10 kHz
16 kHz
2.5 kHz