LX2350-4 Owner's Manual
Revised January 22, 2018
Page 10
800.445.7846 · www.electro-mech.com
rather than via the standard power cable on top. These sorts of details must be worked
out prior to the release of a scoreboard order. Your sales rep can guide you through the
The sections that follow in this document primarily discuss the details of the mechanical
and electrical installation of a single center-hung assembly. If your project includes
multiple scoreboards or other electronic displays, please check with your scoreboard
sales rep to make sure you have any project-level documentation you may need.
Before You Spend Your Time and Money...
Please keep in mind that the dimensions and other details referenced throughout this
document are specific to the standard configuration of this particular scoreboard model.
Before purchasing materials, running cabling, etc. you should verify with the factory that
you have the right documentation for your unique project.
It is possible that a government agency, such as your local city council, will require a
building permit or other documentation and approval forms related to the installation and
operation of your scoreboard. In some cases the installation plan may require a stamp
from a locally licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.).