Reference drawing BH509
240 Volt Heating Power
– route and install the proper current carrying conductors from service
panel fuse or circuit breaker. See page 2 Specification Table and/or product nameplate for ratings.
These models contain built-in circuit breakers and meet the requirement for local disconnect for
appliances greater than 10 kW. Connection is at the circuit breaker terminals. If using single feed
method, single feed bus – order part number 5701.
Only copper wire is allowed.
CB1 is highest priority stage.
– copper conductor is required, size per NEC code relating to the current of each feed.
Circulating Pump
– the two orange wires connected to a relay on the control board represent a
switch closure (10-amp maximum) to operate an external circulating pump motor.
Voltage for the
pump must come from a separate source.
The pump is controlled as a direct function of the R and W input.
If this is connected with a standby boiler, generally the assumption is series plumbing with
the single pump. In this case, the R and W function will operate the pump whether in electric
or standby mode.
If a standby boiler installation has parallel plumbing with two pumps, field wiring and
controls will be necessary to properly operate (and typically check valve isolate) the standby
boiler self-contained pump from the system pump controlled by these two terminal screws.
Operating Thermostat
– two types can be used. Connection is at the control board bottom.
Standard Mechanical
– connect to “R” and “W”, bottom right. Set thermostat internal heat
anticipator to 0.2.
Electro-Stat –
(ES-24-BR) 3 wire connection required.
R to R, W to W, C to common
The Electro-Stat remote sensor can be extended as required. This is a three wire cable,
cut and splice, up to 50 feet. Use only stranded wire, shielded cable is not required.
If zone valve or zone pumps see appropriate sections.
Load Management Interrupt Control
– this Electro-Boiler series has been pre-wired and designed
for an external utility load management receiver connection. The control board lower left terminal
block marked BLU and BLU/WHT represent the two contact points. Remove blue wire jumper and
extend to the utility load control device.
As shipped, this unit is only equipped for off-peak = N.C. logic. If reversed logic is required, contact
the factory for modification.
Optional - If load management is not used, simply keep the two blue wires shorted.
Outdoor Sensor (OT)
– (EB-MO models only) the loose OT sensor bracket/probe needs to sense
true outdoor temperature. Mount on an outside wall position that will represent the most accurate
outdoor temperature. If possible shade from direct sun rays.
Zone Valves or Zone Pumps
– see page 2 for zone controller options.