instruction manual
IM441-U v0.6
pag. 12
The instrument is divided in two distinct section:
the first is composed by three displays (F), by A and B keys and by LED bar
D; the second (in the low part) is composed by G display, by C key and by
LED bar E.
The two sections are to consider as two different instruments in a only one
box, in fact it’s possible to act in a zone without to modify the visualization in
the other (peak value and energy counters visualization excluded).
Visualization section 1
The three measures of phases (on L1, L2 and L3), of the parameter
indicated from the led D on, appears on F display. For the measure of the
phase to phase voltages (V
), the three measures are V
, V
, V
Hz °C
It’s necessary to press the B button to select the parameter that can be displayed and indicated from D LED.
Press A button to see on F display the three phase value (the average of the single phase of voltage, current, power
factor and the sum of single phase for the power) of the parameter selected: the led inside the A key is on.
To press another time the same key the visualization come back at the phase values.
The unit of measurement can be expressed in kilo or Mega, in the this case the relative LED is on.
A sign – on the first digit indicates the visualization of the capacitive power factor (example the reading -.95 indicates a
power factor of 0.95 capacitive)
Note: If in the Setup the single phase mode (1PH L3) is set, all the measures appear on the L3 display.
Visualization section 2
At the same way of the section 1, press the C button to select the parameter that can be displayed and indicated from E
LED. The voltage values are of the three phase system, the frequency is of the L3 channel.
Visualization energy and hours counters
With the C key it’s possible to visualize on F display the active, reactive and apparent energy counters. One segment of
the right digit of the G display, in correspondence of the kWh and KVArh on the front panel, turn on, to indicate the
visualization of the active and reactive energy counters. The led VA and the segment of the right digit of the G display, in
correspondence of …h on the front panel, turn on, to indicate the visualization of the apparent energy counter. To
complete the visualization the led k over the F display could be on.
This is the visualization if NORMAL is the set in EN voice of the setup. Instead if the setting is TOT PAR on the F
display will be visualized alternatively the partial and the total active, reactive and apparent energy counters; the first digit
of the G display indicates the type of the counter: P for the partial (the user could be reset it) and T for the total (it’s no
possible to reset it).
The right digit of G display, in correspondence of the …h, turn on, when the visualization of hours counters is active.
The reading of the counters use the 9 digits (maximum reading 99999999.9) of the F display: the measure is displayed in
the way that the L1 display will indicate the first 3 digits, the display L2 the seconds 3 digits and the L3 display the last 3.
For example if: L1=000, L2=028, L3=53.2 the reading is 2853.2 kWh.