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Note: the regular transmission of GPS coordinates will also be stopped by the disarming of all sectors as-
sociated to the GPS.
Note: to monitor the correct working of the GPS localization service, we recommend to activate the periodic
test call with SMS sending, so that the panel will send SMS texts with position data regularly.
10.2 Speed alarm
VILLEGGIO panel can detect excessive speed when the GPS alarm threshold and alarm reset have been
set via software.
The speed alarm can be detected only when at least one of the sectors associated to the GPS is armed.
the general alarm relay cannot be used for GPS speed alarm event, but it will still be possible to con-
trol an output via the dedicated output function.
If a high value is set for the automatic deactivation interval and the periodic transmission of
coordinates is not disabled by users (by disarming the sectors associated to GPS or SMS-
based remote control), this will cause a great quantity of SMS to be transmitted.
The regular transmission of position SMS may cause considerable costs: disable the service
when unnecessary.