- 090060699
4.14 Display advanced options
4.14.1 Display partial arming on readers
4.14.2 Display armed sectors on reader
This function allows to display control unit sectors partial armed status that will be signalled by the external
reader LED indicator (e.g. I66.)
not available if VILLEGGIO keypad has been set as ’system keypad’.
Not available in case of total arm/disarm with ’Max Security’ option.
To activate armed sectors status display, select both
Display partial arming on reader
Display armed
sectors on reader
in AREAS menu.
The reader LED will provide the following indications:
4.14.3 General indications for armed/disarmed status with PASSLIGHT
Passlight indicator can be used only to signal panel status.
It must be setup as the I8 reader and used alone or with other I8 readers.
PASSLIGHT indications:
- Light GREEN + FIXED = no sectors associated to the reader is armed.
- Light RED + SLOW BLINKING = when at least one sector associated to the reader with exit time activated.
- Light RED + FIXED = when at least one sector associated to the reader is armed.
Passlight does not discriminate between standard and max security arming.
VILLEGGIO gives the possibility to activate partial arming status di-
splay that will be signalled by the external reader LED indicator (e.g.
To activate this function, select
Display partial arming on reader
AREAS menu.
this display option is alternative to
Display armed sectors
on reader
option. The LED indicator will blink quickly in case of
partial/total arming in Max Security mode.
LED will blink differently for each sector to display.
One blink
= sector S1.
Two blinks
= sector S2.
Three blinks
= sector S3.
Four blinks
= sector S4.
Partial arming: sectors S1 and S3 armed = 1 blink + pause + 3 blinks in sequence.
All area sectors armed (S1, S2, S3, S4) = 1 blink + pause + 2 pause + 3 blinks
+ pause + 4 blinks.