Intervals changed will blink.
A triangle will appear above current time interval. The tri-
angle will point upwards if the temperature has been in-
creased, downwards if it has been decreased.
To cancel the temporary change of temperature reset it to
setup value.
7.2 Boiler control
Chronothermostat function can be used to control boilers.
If temperature detected falls below set threshold, the boiler
will be activated.
The boiler will switch off when the temperature exceeds by
0.3° set threshold.
Boiler block detected
If the option
Activate Boiler Failure Detection
is enabled
in BrowserOne, the event "Boiler block" will be generated if
the temperature has not raised after two hours boiler acti-
vation attempts.
Icon for boiler ON will blink when boiler is blocked.
If dialler block remains, a new Boiler failure event is gener-
ated every 48 hours.
When the activation of the boiler has been set for such
event, it will be activated once a day max.
Boiler block anomaly has no memory: switch off the
chronothermostat to end Boiler failure events
7.3 Summer mode
As an alternative to the boiler, the chronothermostat can be
used to control an air-conditioning.
The install shall enable the specific function via software.
In summer mode:
• boiler block detection is disabled;
• remote control SMS texts indicate "air-conditioning" in-
stead of "boiler";
• the antifreeze temperature cannot be set
The programmable relay output of the unit cannot be
used to control boiler and air-conditioning simultane-
ously: you have to select one of the two.
e-Connect is a supervision software for EL.MO. intrusion de-
tection systems.
e-Connect allows users to control and manage their systems
via the Internet, a PC or a smartphone application.
Operations with e-Connect software:
• check control unit status (anomalies, tamper events,
• arm / disarm procedures
• read events log
• enable/disable outputs
For the correct use of the software, units have to be
equipped with one of the following modules:
The installer has to configure the unit suitably and set one
user account.
To access e-Connect, download the app (available for An-
droid, iOS and Windows systems) or login to https://connect.
For more details on e-Connect, please see the user manual
on www.elmospa.com site (also for download).
Sectors can be armed with
Max Security
Such property can be set by the installer during configuration.
When a sector is armed in Max Security mode it can only be