EKO INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. - Pyranometer MS-60/60S - Instruction Manual Ver. 4
Pg. 4
2 - 5 . I S O / I E C 1 7 0 2 5
EKO Instruments Co. Ltd. calibration laboratory is accredited by Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc.
[PJLA] to perform pyranometer and pyrheliometer calibrations in accordance with the requirements of
ISO/IEC17025, which are relevant to calibration and testing.
EKO is a unique manufacturer who can offer calibration service for pyranometers and pyrheliometers
in-house. Based on the applied calibration methods EKO provides the best quality solar sensor calibrations
compliant to the international standards defined by ISO/IEC17025 / 9847 [Indoor method] and ISO9059
[Outdoor method] [Certification: L13-94-R2 /
ISO/IEC17025 provides a globally accepted basis for laboratory accreditation that specifies the management
and technical requirements. With calibrations performed at the EKO Instruments laboratory we enable our
customers to:
Clearly identify the applied calibration methods and precision
Be traceable to the World Radiation Reference [WRR] through defined industrial standards:
ISO9846 Calibration of a pyranometer using a pyrheliometer
ISO9847 Calibration of field pyranometer by comparison to a reference pyranometer
ISO9059 Calibration of field pyrheliometers by comparison to a reference pyrheliometer
Obtain repeatable and reliable calibration test results through consistent operations
Our clients will obtain a highly reliable data by using an ISO/IEC17025 calibrated sensor. Our Accredited lab
is regularly re-examined to ensure that they maintain their standards of technical expertise.