EKO INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. - Pyranometer MS-60/60S - Instruction Manual Ver. 4
Pg. 30
A - 3 . C o n f i g u r a t o r S o ft w a r e [ M S - 6 0 S ]
With the dedicated software which can be downloaded from the EKO website and optional communication cable for
converter setting, configurations can be changed.
1. Software Installation
Download the latest version
“SensConf.zip” file [compressed file: Zip format] from the MS-60S product
page on EKO website.
When the
“SensConf.zip” file is opened, “SensConf.exe” file [program file] is decompressed.
Move the file to the appropriate folder.
2. Hardware Preparation
Once the software is installed, connect the devices necessary for configuring.
After software installation, connect the USB connector of “RS485 / USB conversion cable” to PC, and clamp
the MS-60S output cable terminal with the crocodile clip on the other end of the cable.
3. Change of setting contents
Here describes how to change the configurations such as MS-60S output range and sensitivity.
First, install the software and connect the devices and PC with
“RS485/USB conversion cable”.
Start the software by clicking the
After the software is start-up,
“COM Setting” window opens. [1] Select the port number for the USB
connected with RS485/USB conversion cable from the
“Port” pulldown list, [2] select the combination of
baud rate [2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/115200] and parity check [None/Even/Odd] from the pulldown
list, and [3] enter the MS-60S address in the
“Modbus Address”, then finally press the “OK” button.
Modbus address is the last 2 digits of the product serial number. If the last 2 digits are
“00”, the address
will be
Power supply
DC5 to 36V
+ -
[Terminal block] MS-60S Cable: Blue [+]
←→Converter cable terminal: [+]
MS-60S Cable: Black [-]
←→Converter cable terminal: [-]
Fig. A-1. Connection diagram of RS485 / USB conversion cable
Fig. A-2. COM Setting