1. Using the Boiler
Dry, seasoned wood is the recommended main fuel source for the EKO boiler. Optimum
wood moisture should be between 20 and 25 percent. The length of the wood pieces should
be about two inches shorter than the depth of the burning chamber.
Using fuel types other than the dry wood specified above may result in unpredictable
operation and poor efficiency. Neither the manufacturer nor New Horizon Corp. are
responsible for problems resulting from the use of unapproved fuels.
EKO wood gasification boilers should be installed in accordance with local codes. The
boilers should be part of a closed, pressurized system with a pressure relief valve,
expansion tank and if possible with a hot water storage tank.
The main circulating pump on the system should be connected directly to the RK 2001
controller to assure proper operation and water circulation. This will help prevent overheating
and result in the best performance.
2. Understanding Wood Gasification
Wood gasification boilers work by the pyrolitic wood distillation process, whereby heat is
used to break down the wood structure into charcoal and eventually, into combustible gas.
This is done by limiting the air intake during the initial combustion process. When the
resulting wood gas passes through the ceramic nozzle at the bottom of the top combustion
chamber, it is mixed with air and burned cleanly at high temperatures (up to 2,000 degrees,
Fahrenheit) in the bottom chamber. A hot, clean-burning flame is produced, with little or no
smoke. This hot gas exits the boiler through the heat exchanger tubes and into the chimney.
If burning pellets or other wood particles of the proper moisture content, be sure to place this
material on top of larger pieces of wood to avoid clogging the ceramic nozzle