Application manual
Presence detectors KNX EK
TP (x = B, C, D, E)
Release 1.01
Update: 05/2014
© SBS S.p.A.
All rights reserved
Page 26
Object 0 Output
1 Byte
If the object type for output is set to “Scene”, two distinct scene numbers (from 1 to 32) can be associated to
the two events.
Object 1 External switch / status
1 bit
The input object 1
External switch / status
can be used in two different ways:
as input for an external pushbutton that directly controls lighting activation;
as input that receives the state or command from an actuator.
In both cases, a telegram with the “ON” value activates the lighting channel, whereas an “OFF” value puts
the device in the “
The parameter “
Transmission condition for external switch”
determines which transition of the input trigger
the transmission of the value of the switching object on the bus.
Upon receiving an “ON” command, the delay time is started, just as as if a movement had been detected; at
the end of the delay time (unless an “OFF” command is received in the meantime), the lighting is
Upon receiving an “OFF” command, the lighting is deactivated; the sensor goes into a deactivation state,
during which movement detection is suspended. The duration of this deactivation state can be set through
the “
Idle time after switch off
” parameter. When the deactivation time expires, the detector becomes ready for
operation again.
Object 2 External motion
1 Bit
This object serves the purpose of connecting other detectors as slave units.
Any movement detected from the slave unit is handled exactly as if it had been detected by the master unit;
the devices are effectively connected in parallel. In the Master
Slave connection, all output communication
objects (object 0) of the slave devices must be connected with the input communication object (object 2) of
the master, i.e. a common group address must be attributed to all these communication objects.
Object 3 Input
Forced control / Disable
This object can have two purposes, namely “Forced control” or “Disable”, according to the setting of
parameter “
Forced control object or disable object”.
Forced control object
2 Bit
In this setting, the object can receive three different values (2
bit command) corresponding to three
Forced control ON
(Control bit = 1, Value bit =1). In this condition, upon movement detection an ON
command is sent to the output object. Movement detection is suspended and the off
delay time count is
started. If the Forced control object does not receive any further telegram, at the end of the delay time
the normal operation resumes.
Forced control OFF
(Control bit = 1, Value bit =0). In this condition the operation is exactly like in the
previous case, except that an OFF value is assigned to the output object.