Modem interfaces: V.24, V.35, EIA-530, V.36/RS-449, X.21
An intelligent controller on the card that automatically detects which interface the
appropriate cable supports
Protocol processing performed on your Eiconcard Connections for Windows 2000
computer and not on the Eiconcard P-Series
Both synchronous (up to 6 Mbps) and asynchronous (up to 128 Kbps) connections for
modem dialing
Line encodings: NRZ, NRZI, FM0, FM1, Manchester, Differential Manchester
Graphical user interface to configure connections: Eicon System Management Console
More efficient use of the I/O bus
Support for Microsoft RRAS PPP on leased lines
Eiconcard P93 (T1 - CSU/DSU) only
B8ZS and AMI line encoding
Alternate channeling
4 loopback tests, continuous or limited
Full or fractional T1
SF (Super Frame) and ESF (Extended Super Frame) with or without CRC
Frame Relay Support
Local Management Interface 1.0 (LMI), Annex D, and Annex A Link Management (Auto
LMI feature automatically detects LMI type of remote)
Congestion control (FECN, BECN, and DEbit)