Eiconcard Connections software functionality differs greatly depending on the Eiconcard
type that you have: either S-Series/C-Series or P-Series.
Eiconcard Connections for Windows 2000/XP - S-Series/C-Series
Eiconcard Connections for Windows 2000/XP - S-Series/C-Series extends wide-area
networking (WAN) capabilities for Microsoft BackOffice, and Routing and Remote Access
Service (RRAS) applications.
Technical Highlights
Routing Services
Eicon Networks Routing Services extends Microsoft Routing and Remote Access Service
(RRAS) for use with Eicon’s Routing Services (NDIS emulation), X.25 and ISDN WAN
Miniport Eiconcard drivers.
Routing Services supports these features:
Multiprotocol routing: TCP/IP and IPX/SPX communications over X.25 packet-switched
networks (SVCs and PVCs for remote Eicon routers, SVCs for remote third-party
routers), HDLC(LAPB), Frame Relay networks, leased or dial-up lines using PPP
Frame Relay, PPP, X.25, HDLC(LAPB), over dial-up interfaces such as ISDN
Dial-on-demand for ISDN, Frame Relay, PPP, and X.25
Connections for
Windows 2000/XP
and an Eiconcard
Connections for
Windows 2000/XP
and an Eiconcard
IBM Mainframe
SDLC, X.25, or
SNA over Frame
Relay link with
Microsoft Host
Integration Server
PPP or HDLC Link
Dial-Up Line
RAS Client
Backbone Router
(IP and IPX)
Frame Relay
Frame Relay
Routing Services is used to interconnect IP and IPX LANs and to provide access to the
Internet. The PAD or X.25 WAN Miniport, used in conjunction with Microsoft RAS,
provides remote dial-in users with access to corporate LAN resources. Drivers for
Microsoft Host Integration Server provide WAN support and extend Host Integration
Server’s ability to connect to SNA hosts around the world.