DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide
Page 84
Using the DIVA T/A
Once you have installed and configured DIVA T/A, you can dial into your office LAN, access
the Internet, as well as exchange data/faxes with any remote ISDN or analog equipment.
Before attempting this, make sure that your PC is equipped with remote-access client
software such as Dial-Up Networking, Shiva PPP client, or Microsoft RAS client software.
In this chapter:
SecurID Connectivity .................................................85
Dialing with Multilink PPP .......................................86
Establishing a Connection.......................................88
Connecting to the World Wide Web ................. 103
O n line D a ta b a se
B ran ch O ffic e LA N
D IVA T /A IS D N M o d e m
A n a lo g D e vic e S u p p o rt
(A va ila ble on so m e m o d els )
D IVA T /A IS D N M o d e m