If all the RadioLINK Alarms sound for 2 seconds every 4 hours, it means at least
one of the Alarms in the system has a depleted battery. Locate the depleted
battery(ies) as above.
5.4 Cleaning your Alarm
Clean your Alarm regularly. Use a soft bristle brush or the brush attachment of your
vacuum cleaner to remove dust and cobwebs from the side slots where the smoke
enters. To clean the cover, wipe with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.
WARNING: Do not paint your Alarm.
Other than the maintenance and cleaning described in this leaflet, no other
customer servicing of this product is required. Repairs, when needed, must be
performed by the manufacturer.
5.5 Smoke Alarm Automatic Self-Test
The smoke chamber in the Smoke Alarms automatically tests itself every 16
Ei650, Ei650C & Ei650W models
: If the chamber is degraded it will beep once
every 32 seconds. (See indicator summary in section 12).
Ei650i, Ei650iC & Ei650iW models
: If the chamber is degraded it will beep once
every 32 seconds coinciding with a yellow flash (See indicator summary in section 12).
If this happens clean the Alarm. If the beeping and flashing persists, return the
Alarm for service (see section 9 – Getting your Smoke Alarm Serviced).
5.6 Dust & Insect Contamination
All Smoke Alarms and particularly the optical (photoelectric) type are prone to dust
and insect ingress which can cause false alarms.