I) Receive signals disappear or are severely attenuated when switching from STBY to O PR
1) RELAY control cable from transceiver is shorted.
2) Transceiver locked in transmit.
3) Receive fuse open (see page 17, Receive Fuse Replacement).
4) Damaged receive PIN diode.
J) Plate current indication when amplifier in STBY or receive.
1) 3CX800A7 tube(s) with heater to cathode leakage or short.
2) Tube bias supply or transistor bias switch Q5 faulty.
K) T/R fault LED comes on whenever transceiver is keyed with amplifier in OPR mode.
1) Transceiver attempting to hot switch amplifier; see page 6. To reset, switch from OPR to STBY and
back to OPR.
L) Distorted SSB output signal with possible severe television interference (TVI).
1) Excessive RF drive from transceiver and/or insufficient amplifier loading.
2) Flashover in amplifier RF compartment from component to component or to chassis.
3) Coaxial connector, coax feedline, antenna balun, or antenna trap arcing on voice peaks.
4) RF feedback from antenna into transceiver via the AC power cord, microphone or key line cable, or
other unshielded station patch cables.
5) Poor RF station ground.
M) TUNE and/or LOAD dial illumination failed.
1) Illuminating bulb open; see page 14, Front Panel Lamp Replacement.