The technical materials and information contained in this document are strictly confidential and the exclusive property of Advanced Microwave Engineering s.r.l.
These materials and information are intended solely for the purpose designated and may not be used otherwise.
It is not permitted to disclose or reproduce them in whole or in part without express written permission.
In the Edit or Add section, follow these operations to associate a Tag to the badge and to log in with the badge reader:
Pass the badge over the reader and the ID will appear at the bottom on the left side of the display under the
word BADGE.
Select the TAG CODE and enter the number of the Tag indicated on the Tag label.
Select the LEVEL following the instructions in section 11.8.
Select the USER CODE; enter the code to be associated to the Tag to be used to LOGIN if you do not have the
badge. The user code will be the code saved and displayed in the file of events.
Assign the same codes for the Tag code and the User code.
Click on '
Save Settings
' to complete the association step.
The same operations must be carried out for all the badges used.