Suitable locations for the
electronics box:
- Passenger side, next to the centre
column under the panelling, model-
specific installation console (dealer)
- Our suggested installation locations
are shown in the illustration on the
Further unsuitable locations are:
Leg and knee height, potential head
impact zone, airbag inflation space,
engine compartment
Selection of the point of installation for the microphone
Suitable for the microphone:
- where voice can reach the microphone
unhindered (distance between the spea-
ker and the microphone should be ap-
prox. 35 cm), on the A-column (between
windscreen and side window), next to
the driver‘s sun visor, on the dashboard
The illustration shows one of the po-
tential microphone mounting locations.
Alternatively, the microphone may be
attached to the sun visor with the clip
Unsuitable for the microphone:
-Close to the speakers (less than
80 cm), under the dashboard, in the air
stream from open windows or ventilator