PCL options
• To access PCL options, choose Configure > PDL > PCL.
Option Settings
(default is underlined)
Append CR to LF
Yes, No
Specify whether to append a carriage return to each line feed.
Default Orientation
Portrait, Landscape
This PCL option determines whether the text or image is
oriented along the short edge of the paper (Portrait) or along the
long edge of the paper (Landscape).
Font Number
Designates the default font for the E-42B. To determine font
numbers, print the internal PCL Font List. The standard fonts
are listed in order. The font numbers, however, are not displayed.
Font Pitch (char/in)
0.44-99.99 (default is 10.00)
If the default PCL font selected in Font Number represents a
fixed pitch scalable font, determine the width of scalable type.
Pitch is measured by characters per inch, so 10-pitch type fits 10
characters per inch.
Font Size (pt)
4.0-999.75 (default is 12.00)
If the default PCL font selected in Font Number represents a
proportionally spaced scalable font, determine the point size
(height) of the font.
Font Source
Internal, Soft Font
Specify the PCL font source to be enabled.
Form Length
5-128 (default is 60)
Sets the number of lines to be printed per page in PCL jobs.
Paper Size for System Pages
US, Metric (default is US in the
United States, Metric elsewhere)
Specify the paper size on which PCL system pages are printed.
System pages are pages that you print from the copier control
panel, such as the PCL Font List.
Symbol Set
ASCII, Roman_8, ECMA-94 L1,
Choose the PCL symbol set that best matches the needs of users
printing to the E-42B.