Efento SP. J.
Ul.Krupnicza 14/5
31-123 Kraków
If the sensor works with Efento Cloud, the platform informs the user, when the new data from the device
is expected.
Additionally, it is possible to configure how often the message sent by the sensor requires confirmation
of receipt by the server (ACK). If the ACK is not received by the sensor, it will retransmit the data to the
server. The confirmation frame (ACK) is used also to send a new configuration to the device.
Type of messages sent by the sensors depend on the use case. If your use case requires all the
messages to reach the server, then you should set the sensor to always require the ACK. If your use
case is not critical, and you are aware that some data frames can be lost, you can set the device to
require the confirmation less often (e.g. every 24 hours). This will increase the battery lifetime, as the
device stays in the transmission mode for less time.
Do not set the ACK interval to more than once every 24 hours. Device gets new
configuration from the server in the ACK frames
Sensor stores up to 60 000 measurements in its memory. In case of any issues that block the
communication between sensor and server (network issue, server issue, etc.), if the ACKs are enabled,
the sensor will resent the missing data to the server.
In order to set the transmission interval:
1. Connect to the sensor with Efento Logger, tap on the three dots in the upper right corner ->
“Settings” -> “Network settings” -> “Transmission interval”
2. Set the new transmission interval - remember that it can’t be less than measurement interval and
more than 60 times the measurement interval
3. Set the ACK interval. You can set it to:
- every data frame sent by the sensor will require the ACK form the server. If the
data has not reached the server, it will be retransmitted once the connection is
(not recommended) - all data frames will not require the ACK. This saves the
battery, but sensor is not able to receive the new configuration or firmware updates
- you can set how often the device should require the ACK from the server (e.g.
every 3rd transmission, every 24th transmission). This is a good balance between making
sure the data reaches the server and battery lifetime
In order to make sure that all the measurements reach the server, set the ACK
interval to “Always”. In case of any transmission issues, the sensor will try to
resend the data until it succeeds.
| +48 574 753 980 | [email protected]