Schmid & Wezel
39 of 72
11 / 2011
Extended maintenance (after approx. 50 operating hours) ........................... 51
Tightening torque wrench .................................................................... 51
Lid guard EFA SB295E, SB295EL, SB295ES, SB295ELS ........................ 53
Control, cleaning and disinfection (water connection) ....................................... 54
Complete control unit (special accessory) ................................................. 55
Accessories for EFA SB295E, SB295EL and SB295ES, SB295ELS ................ 56
Accessories, included in scope of supply .................................................. 56
Special accessories, not included in scope of supply ................................ 56
List of Spare Parts and Exploded Views of EFA SB295E, -EL, ES, ELS ........... 56
Exploded view of saw (symbolic view) ....................................................... 57
Exploded view of cpl. motor for EFA SB295E and SB295EL ..................... 61
List of spares for cpl. motor for EFA SB295E & SB295EL ......................... 62
Exploded view of cpl. motor for EFA SB295ES, SB295ELS ...................... 63
List of spares for cpl. motor for EFA SB295ES, SB295ELS ...................... 64
Exploded view of motor for SB295E and SB295EL ................................... 65
List of motor spares for EFA SB295E and SB295EL ................................. 66
Exploded view of motor for SB295ES ........................................................ 67
List of motor spares for EFA SB295ES ................................................... 68
Exploded view of switching handle ......................................................... 69
List of spares for switching handle .......................................................... 69
........................................................... 70
........................................................... 71