Eelectron Spa
Rooms and scenarios
The “ROOMS TO WHICH THE OBJECT BELONGS” section provides a summary of the rooms in
which the current object is present; the same object can be present in multiple rooms at the same
time, as well as in no room (which happens when you configure supervision for the first time).
Similarly, the “SCENARIOS THAT CONTROL THE OBJECT” section shows the list of scenarios that
contain the current one, in addition to any other objects.
Refer to the INSTALLATION MANUAL for further details on rooms and scenarios.
The following sections of the tab allow you to create functional relationships (called “EVENTS” in the
software) with other supervision objects:
Drag objects here that you want to control when the current
object changes status
Drag objects here whose change of status should result in a
command to the current object
In both cases, it is necessary to:
Search for other objects that the current one should interact with through the search engine
or the side tree
Drag them to the appropriate section depending on the type of connection you want to
For each of the connections created in this way, you can specify:
Filter on the status of the object that generates the event; it can be a specific status
(among those available) – in which case the event is executed only when the
object assumes the selected value - or the generic “at every change in value”,
which executes the event in any status that brings the object in question
Depending on the target object type of the event, this field can have several
values. For KNX objects, you can specify “WRITE” (so send a command on the
bus) or “READ” (and send a status query command on the bus); for other objects,
refer to the respective sections of the manual
This field allows you to determine which value to set if the target object of the event
envisages it, choosing it from those available for the object in question. You can
also choose to automatically set the value of the object that causes the event to
run, or to deny it.