CMDN Manual
Base Address (s) (IRC-3 only)
The lowest address assigned to a CMDN/SMDN on an IRC-3
(FCC/PCPU) system. Up to four consecutive addresses may be
assigned to each display. Assign the base address so as to avoid
network address 41, which is dedicated to ACP/FCCA applications.
Each network address equals 88 messages.
Baud Rate
The parameter which sets the baud rate on the local CMDN/SMDN
printer port
. Baud rate options can be directly entered using
the figures “2,” “4,” & “9,” i.e. valid options are
, 4800, and
9600. Do not confuse this setting with the “network” or
“communications” baud rate.
Communication Baud Rate
The parameter which sets the Remote Alpha-Numeric Display Network
the data transfer rate. Valid entries are: 2400, 4800,
, 19200.
Current Message (MSG)
Current message window shows an arbitrary index of the relative
location of the currently entered message in the displayed CMDN's
Fault Action (FCC Only)
The parameter which assigns an FCC action to be activated when the
Remote Alpha-Numeric Display Network has a fault condition. Valid
entries are 0001 to 9999
FCC Text (FCC Only)
When “ON”, causes CMDN to request message text from FCC/DCPU.
Master CMDN must be set “ON” for slave CMDNs to operate in this
mode. A maximum of 5 displays can be set in this mode.
Geographic Category
The parameter which sets parameters depending on installation
location. Each area requires slightly different operation of indicator
LEDs and the trouble buzzer.
The IRC-3 or FCC network data line address.
An identification label for the selected display. The location may be up
to 20 characters in length.