Language Arts—Phonics Fun
Assign a consonant to each colored egg (see example below).
Blue = B
Yellow = D
Green = T
Orange = S
Pink = M
Purple = L
Set the lights in motion by pressing the CONTROL BUTTON on the Teacher Remote.
If the orange egg remains lit, all students must write down as many words beginning
with the letter
as they can before the timer runs out. Do the same for short and long
vowel sounds and ending consonants.
Geography—Map Reading
Use Wireless Eggspert to play geography games. Assign continents to each of the
egg colors (see below). Press the CONTROL BUTTON on the Teacher Remote to
set the eggs in motion. If the yellow egg is the last lit, ask a student to find a specific
place in South America (country, mountain range, river, city, etc.).
HINT: You may wish to set the timer for easier questions, but not use the timer for
more difficult ones.
Blue = North America
Yellow = South America
Green = Asia
Orange = Europe
Pink = Africa
Purple = Australia
Science—Human Body
Put the names of the major bones of the body on flash cards and place them in a
box. Seat students in six rows, assigning a different egg color to each row. Press the
CONTROL BUTTON on the Teacher Remote to set the eggs in motion. The first person
in the row of the chosen color picks a flash card from the box and must identify its
location on a drawing of the skeleton. Rows get points for correct answers.
Physical Education—“Eggspert” Movements
Assign a different body movement to each color and watch Wireless Eggspert lead
your students in a rousing exercise regimen.
Blue = hopping on one leg
Yellow = jumping jacks
Green = side kicks
Pink = running in place
Purple = jumping and twisting
Orange = toe touching
Press the CONTROL BUTTON on the Teacher Remote to select the first body
movement. If the pink egg lights up, students begin running in place. Press the
CONTROL BUTTON again after 20 seconds. Students continue running in place
until the new egg color lights up—and they change movements. Continue for several
minutes to get full advantage of this unique exercise activity.
Wireless Eggspert Classroom Management
Wireless Eggspert is a great classroom management tool. Assign colors to the groups
in your class: Blue, Orange, Purple, Yellow, Pink, and Green. Then when it’s time
to make a decision, let Wireless Eggspert choose. “Which row goes to lunch first?”
Let Wireless Eggspert choose. “Who will read the next paragraph?” Let Wireless
Eggspert choose.
Need to create baseball teams or project groups? Select two to six colors,
depending on the number of teams or groups you need to create. Each student
comes forward and presses the CONTROL BUTTON on the Teacher Remote. If the
last egg lit is green, for example, then that student is assigned to the green group.
“What team are you on?” Let Wireless Eggspert choose. “What project group are
you part of?” Let Wireless Eggspert choose.
Group Games
When it comes time for the school carnival or a fund-raising event, Wireless Eggspert
can be a valuable resource. Here are some examples:
Trivia QUIZ SHOW Booth:
For this activity you can have from two to six contestants at a time. Give each
participant a colored ANSWER BUTTON. Ask a question. The first person to press
the button and answer correctly wins the round. Keep score on a board. The
participant with the highest score after 5 or 10 questions wins a prize. (HINT: Using
questions from commercial trivia games saves setup time.)
Spin and Toss:
For this activity you’ll need to create a backdrop (from wood or heavy cardboard)
into which you’ve cut six holes of various sizes. Color the outside of each circle one
of Wireless Eggspert’s colors. The participant presses the CONTROL BUTTON on the
Teacher Remote, setting the eggs in motion. If the yellow egg lights up and begins