Videos and experiment examples:
Videos, literature and other probes can be found at
Technical background:
The philosophy behind Edu-logger’s plug and play
technology is based on each sensor’s ability to store its
own data due to an internal flash memory chip and
micro-controller in each plastic Edu-logger body.
This technology allows the sensor to collect and then
store the digital data in the correct scientific units (
F, Lux, %, ppm, for example).
The sensor is pre-calibrated at the factory. The built-in
software in the logger can be upgraded at any time
using software.
The Edu-logger photo gate sensor uses an infrared
beam to determine when an object has passed through
the photo gate. Every point that there is a break in the
infrared beam, a 1 is registered in the program.
The Edu-logger sensor firmware calculates velocities
and accelerations based on the record of 1’s and 0’s as
well as the experimental inputs. The computer
program gets processed data from the sensr.