Videos and experiment examples:
Videos, literature and other probes can be found
Technical background:
The philosophy behind Edu-Logger’s plug and play
technology is based on each sensor’s ability to store
its own data due to an internal flash memory chip and
micro-controller in each plastic Edu-Logger body.
This technology allows the sensor to collect and then
store the digital data in the correct scientific units (
F, Lux, %, ppm, for example).
The sensor is pre-calibrated at the factory. The built-in
software in the logger can be upgraded at any time
using software.
Inside the hard plastic casing lies a photodiode which
reacts with photons to release free electrons
(photoelectrons). The amount of light striking the
sensor is directly proportional to the voltage generated
by the photoelectrons released. The sensor measures
the general voltage released and thus calculates the
light intensity.
If the light readout is very low try changing the
sensor's mode to a higher sensitivity. This is done by
selecting the “Module setup” button on the Light
Sensor icon in the Edu-Logger application package
when connected.
The 900-204 is able to adjust to 3 different sensitivity
settings for ambient light because of its ability to