User Guide
Form of Product Warranty
(HydraFacial® SYSTEM)
What is Covered:
The warranty for the HydraFacial® System (the “System”) covers defects
in material or workmanship in the System.
Who is Covered:
This limited warranty applies and extends only to the original Customer
purchasing the System from Edge Systems in the country where the sale
occurred. This limited warranty is non-transferable and non-assignable
by the original Customer. Edge Systems shall have no obligations under
this limited warranty in the event that an original Customer attempts
an unpermitted assignment of the original Customer’s rights under this
limited warranty. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Edge Systems agrees
to extend the benefi ts of this limited warranty to a leasing company pro-
viding fi nancing to the original Customer for the System, provided the
System is leased back to and operated by the original Customer and any
such leasing company has no greater rights than the original Customer.
How Long:
The System warranty runs for a period of one (1) year from the date of
delivery of the System to the original Customer. We warrant any replace-
ment part for the balance of the original warranty period. Extended war-
ranties are available.
What Edge Systems Will Do:
For the System, Edge Systems will, within the applicable warranty pe-
riod, at Edge Systems ‘s sole option, repair or replace any defects in the
System without any costs to the Customer for parts or labor (except as
specifi cally stated below).
Service Loaner:
During the fi rst year of warranty Edge Systems, to the extent available,
will provide to Customer a loaner System (the “Loaner”) upon determi-
nation that the failure is a warrantied event, and following execution
of Edge Systems’ Loaner Agreement. Loaner systems are not available
outside the United States.
User Guide
Verbraucheränderungen Unbefugte Verbraucheränderungen werden
Garantie aufheben. Edge Systems LLC wird verantwortlich für irgendeine
Verletzungen nicht sein, die auf Grund unbefugter Geräteänderungen
oder Gebrauchs der Teile gestützt werden, die nicht von Edge Systems
LLC angegeben werden. Ausrüstungen sind schieben Systemgesellschaft
mit nicht sicheren Änderungen wird zurückgekehrt werden zu ihrem
Original zurückgekehrt, das Bedingung an der Ausgabe des Kunden
Des modifi cations non autorisées eff ectuées par l’utilisateur annuleront
la garantie. Edge Systems LLC ne sera pas responsable de toute blessure
causée à la suite de modifi cations non autorisées sur l’appareil ou à la
suite d’une utilisation de pièces non spécifi ées par Edge Systems LLC.
L’appareil qui est retourné à Edge Systems LLC avec des modifi cations
non sécuritaires sera ramené à son état de fonctionnement initial aux
frais du client.
DO NOT suction liquids through the dry port for crystal-free procedure
located on the side of the unit. This will damage the unit and will void
the warranty.
MACHT Saugwirkungsfl üssigkeiten durch den trockenen Hafen für
Kristall frei Behandlung NICHT, die auf der Seite von der Einheit befunden
wird. Dies wird die Einheit beschädigen und wird von der Garantie nicht
N’ASPIREZ PAS de liquides par le port de séchage pour le traitement sans
cristal situé sur le côté de l’appareil. Ceci entraînera des dommages à
l’appareil qui ne sont pas couverts par la garantie.
This equipment has been designed and determined to be compliant with
regulatory agency limits for EMI. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment
does cause interference, which can be determined by turning the equip-
ment off and on, the interference can be possibly corrected by one or
more of the following measures:
- Relocate the equipment with respect to the receiver.
- Move the equipment away from the receiver.
- Plug the equipment into a diff erent electrical outlet so that the
equipment and receiver are on diff erent branch circuits.