that also belong to vlan1. Add these four ports to group2 in passive mode. All the ports
should be connected with cables (shown as the four connecting lines in the figure)
The configuration steps are listed below:
SwitchA (Config)#interface Eth 0/0/1-4
SwitchA (Config-Port-Range)#port-group 1 mode active
SwitchA (Config-Port-Range)#exit
SwitchA (Config)#interface port-channel 1
SwitchA (Config-If-Port-Channel1)#
SwitchB (Config)#port-group 2
SwitchB (Config)#interface Eth 0/0/1-4
SwitchB (Config-Port-Range)#port-group 2 mode passive
SwitchB (Config-Port-Range)#exit
SwitchB (Config)#interface port-channel 2
SwitchB (Config-If-Port-Channel2)#
Configuration result:
Shell prompts ports aggregated successfully after a while, now ports 1, 2, 3, 4of
SwitchA form an aggregated port named “Port-Channel1”, ports 1, 2, 3, 4 of SwitchB
forms an aggregated port named “Port-Channel2”; configurations can be made in their
respective aggregated port configuration mode.
Scenario 2: Configuring Port Channel in ON mode.
Fig 4-3 Configuring Port Channel in ON mode
Example: As shown in the figure, ports 1, 2, 3, 4 of SwitchA are access ports that
belong to vlan1. Add these four port to group1 in “on” mode. Ports 1, 2, 3, 4 of SwitchB
are access ports that also belong to vlan1, add these four ports to group2 in “on” mode.
The configuration steps are listed below: