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9.1 Receiving Phone Call
Use your phone or mobile phone to call the tracker, the green LED will be on. Press SOS button to receive the
incoming call or press Call B button to reject the call.
9.2 Making Phone Call
After you have authorized phone numbers for SOS/Call B/Call C button, you can press one of these buttons
to make a call to the preset phone number.
Press Call B button to cancel a calling or to end a conversation.
9.3 Volume Adjustment
During a conversation, press SOS button to increase the volume or press Call C button to decrease the
10. Low Battery Alarm
Command: W******,004,X
Description: When the tracker’s voltage is lower than the preset value, it will send an SMS alarm to the
authorized phone number for SOS.
X is the preset value of voltage.
=0 , to turn off this function =1, <3.3V
=2 , <3.4V
=3 , <3.5V (default)
=4 , <3.6V
=5 , <3.7V
Example: W000000,004,2
11. Speeding Alarm
Command: W******,005,XX
Description: Turn on speeding alarm. When the tracker speeds higher than the preset value, it will send an
SMS to the authorized phone number for SOS.
XX is the preset value of speed and in 2 digits.
=00 , to turn off this function
=[01, 20] (unit: 10Km/h)
Example: W000000,005,08
When the tracker’s speed is over 80km/h, an SMS alarm will be sent out.
12. Movement/Geo-fence