- 8 -
6.) If you had any problems during hardware installation or you want
to verify that the UTV-A2 is present and recognized by Windows,
go to the trouble shooting steps for instructions on how to check
Windows Hardware Device Manager.
The UTV-A2 has the following connections:
• USB Port (USB 2.0 ONLY)
• Audio In (to record audio from external audio/video sources)
• Audio Out (pass-through audio from external sources)
• RCA (composite) Video In
• S-Video (Y/C) Video In
• Cable TV connector (F-Connector for NTSC, IEC for PAL)
USB Port
- The USB Connection for this product is for USB 2.0
connections only. USB 2.0 is required because the video is coming
from the Instant TV device as un-compressed RAW (YUV) video.
Your PC and the TV Plus 3.0 software will do the work to convert the
video stream into VCD, SVCD or DVD video files.
Audio In
- The audio in 3.5mm stereo jack is used to capture audio
from your video sources. Use the A/V cable included to connect your
other video sources such as VCR’s, Camcorders, DVD players, etc. to
the Instant TV for recording video from these sources to your
computer hard drive.
Audio Out
- This is audio pass-through from your external video
sources such as VCR’s or DVD players. The Instant TV device is a
capture only device. There is no audio or video export on this model.
RCA Video In
- Use the supplied A/V cable to connect other video