- 4 -
Battery for Remote control
USB Cable
A/V Cable
CD for driver and bundled software
Users’ Guide
Chapter 4
Hardware and Driver Installation
Note 1: INSERT the CD and install the Drivers before plugging
the UTV-A2 USB2 TV device in your computer!
Note 2: The Installation of hardware and device drivers is quick and
simple. Please follow the instructions to install the drivers first, before
connecting the Instant TV hardware to your PC. The Driver Install
step will check for a Microsoft USB Update. This patch has already
been distributed by Microsoft’s Windows Update. If your updates are
current, you probably already have this update. If this patch is not
present on your system, we will install the patch during this
installation step. Once the patch is installed you will be required to
re-boot your PC. Once you have installed the drivers and the
Microsoft update, then you can connect the UTV-A2 to your USB 2.0
port, it will be recognized and the drivers will load.
Insert the CD into your Windows XP CD-ROM drive. The
auto run program will lead you to install the Video and
Audio drivers, please choose the language and click