Maintenance and Service
In order to keep the unit in good operation conditions, periodic maintenance
should be performed. Maintenance includes the following two main issues:
(1) Cleaning or replacing the air filter and (2) Cleaning the Singlet core units.
Cleaning / replacing the air filter:
Deposits of dust and dirt on the air filter may result in lowering the performances
of the ozone generation. Therefore the air filter, which is located at the front
side of the machine, should be cleaned and washed or replaced from time to time
and depending on operation times and conditions.
For cleaning or replacing the air filter, use a screw driver to open the 2 screws which
connect the filter housing on its top side to the front side of the machine (Fig.1). Insert
the screw driver in a hole in the mesh of the filter housing to gently pull it out.
Fig.2 a, b, c, d.
Open the 4 screws of the filter housing (Fig.2a) and separate between the two mesh
covers of the dust filter (Fig.2b). Remove the dust filter (Figs. 2c, 2d) and clean and
wash it with tap water.
The filter type is DuraLast electrostatic air filter: washable and reusable.
The filter’s dimensions are 255mm x 350mm x 12mm (thickness).