EcoFoot5D Install Guide V1.1-FINAL
Page 18 of 19
January 25, 2018, ES10560
Step 6 - Optional Addition of Strut to the Attachment with Ballast Tray
Adding strut to the Attachment with Ballast Tray provides additional rating for uplift strength to offset or
eliminate ballast in a localized region around the attachment point.
Lay Strut along length of Ballast Trays, centering Strut over
Roof Attachment.
Install two Sheet-Metal Screws and Fender Washers on either side and as close to the roof attachment
stud as possible. Install additional screws along the length of the strut at no more than 24” intervals.
Strut reinforcement attachment complete.
Sheet-Metal Screws with Fender
Washers installed along the length of
the strut at no more than 24” intervals.
One Screw on either side of Roof
Lay Strut on
Ballast Trays
Install Two Sheet-Metal
Screws with Fender
Washers close to Roof