Kraftformer KF 170 PD
2018-05-09 | ECKOLD AG
Construction and Operation
General Description
The Eckold Kraftformer KF 170 PD is a product from the wide Eckold product range of machines and tools
for chipless coldforming of sheet metal and profile sections.
Materials in condition to be shaped, from 0,5 bis 2,0 mm thickness can be shrinked, stretched, domed, pla-
nished, corrected, clinched, punched, notched or adjusted with the suitable original ECKOLD shaping tools.
The desired shape is gradually reached. Every stroke is a working stroke - and hundreds of these per minut -
without development of chips or addition of heat.
Feeding and pressure from the operator control the shapping process. In contrast to the
moulding process the desired form is worked out step by step from the original component. Different shaps
are often possible with the same tool or in connection with others. There the ECKOLD-shaping tools are
independent of material quality and component.
Standard- as well as special tools can be changed very quickly and comfortably and adjusted
to the shaping job to be accomplished.
Construction and Operation
Pic. 5.1 - Kraftformer KF 170 PD
Working method
The ECKOLD Kraftformer KF 170 PD is a universal machine providing the drive for different, interchange-
able tools.
In the KF 170 PD an air-cylinder (1) drives the pressure lever (2), which converts the radial movement into
the vertical stroke of the machine ram (3). Ram postion and stroke length can
be precisely preselected and controlled.
The KF 170 PD machine can be switched from single stroke to continuous stroke.