2.5 Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESDs)
All electrostatic-sensitive components and control components (referred to as "ESD" below) are labelled with
the warning sign shown. Electrostatic charges arise from friction of insulating materials (e.g. floor covering,
items of clothing made of synthetic fibres etc.). Even small charges can result in damage to or destruction of
components. Such damage is not always immediately noticeable; in some cases, it does not lead to failure until
after a certain operating time.
2.5.1 ESD - Rules for handling and working
Transport and store ESDs only in the protective packaging provided.
Avoid materials
that may produce electrostatic discharge, for example
Plastic containers and table tops
Synthetic fibre clothing
Plastic-soled shoes
Plastic file covers
Styrofoam packaging
Computer monitors, etc.
Preferably wear the following:
Cotton work clothes
ESD shoes with conductive soles or leather soles
Use the following:
Conductive flooring
ESD workstations equipped with suitable tools (grounded soldering guns, antistatic wrist straps, etc.)
Conductive ESD bags, conductive plastic containers, IC tubes or cartons lined with conductive foam
Containers and worktops made of wood, metal or conductive plastics or paper bags
2.6 Abbreviations used
DGUV Regulation 3 - Accident Prevention Regulation for Electrical Systems and Equipment
(previously: BGV A3
- Employer’s Liability Association Regulation for Occupational Health and Safety)
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (German Standardisation Institute)
E°EDP/EDP Electronic Documentation Platform of Eckelmann AG
ESD Electrostatic-Sensitive Device
ESD Electro-static discharge (Electro Sensitive Devices)
IEC International Electric Committee
VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. (German Association for Electrical,
Electronic and Information Technologies)
Risk of destruction of the control component / controller!
Electronic components
and control components (e.g. circuit boards) are sensitive to electrostatic
Therefore, the guidelines for handling electrostatic-sensitive components and
control components must be strictly observed.