VxD console- Mia and MiaMIDI
Virtual Output Controls
The middle of the console is dedicated to the
controls for virtual output channels one through
eight. The output controls look like the monitor
controls (Gang, Mute, Solo, & faders), except that
there are also meters that show the levels for each
of the virtual outputs. Just like the monitor
controls, the output faders can be reset to default by
pressing the
button and left clicking on the
The controls for mixing virtual outputs 1/2 and 3/4
to the analog outputs are shown above. Just like
the monitor controls, there are duplicate controls
for mixing to the digital outputs that are not shown.
To view these controls, select the “Digital” output
controls button at the bottom of the console.
All virtual output sliders default to 0 dB when the
console is first installed. Since multiple outputs are
being added together, you may need to lower these
levels to avoid clipping at the analog or digital
output. Also, when the console is first installed virtual outputs 1/2 are routed to the
analog outputs and virtual outputs 3/4 are routed to the digital outputs.
VxD console – Mia and MiaMIDI