VxD console- Mia and MiaMIDI
Notice that the monitor controls are labeled at bottom indicating which input is
being monitored and which output they are going to. In the pictures above,
controls for the analog outputs are shown. There is a duplicate set of controls for
monitoring through the digital outputs that are hidden from view. Clicking on the
large “Output Controls” button labeled “Digital” at the bottom of the console will
display the monitor controls for monitoring through the digital outputs. These
controls are labeled “
Analog => Digital
” and “
Digital => Digital
The monitors are one of the most powerful functions of the console. When you are
recording, these controls allow you to set the level at which each input signal will
be monitored at each of the outputs, independent of the main output level control.
When setting a monitor level, you must first select whether you are adjusting the
monitors for the analog or digital outputs by clicking on the appropriate “Output
Controls” button on the bottom of the console. Then adjust the input that will be
monitored. Selection of the input is really just a matter of using the correct
monitor control box. A monitor setting will always affect the input pair that is
directly above it. To set the monitor for the analog inputs, for example, simply go
to the monitor control directly below the analog inputs and click on one of the
buttons found in the center of the control.
Let’s say you want to set the level at which the analog inputs are monitored
through the S/PDIF outputs on Mia/MiaMIDI. You would first click on the
“Digital” output control button at the bottom of the console to select the digital
controls. Then you would adjust the monitoring levels by using the sliders and
buttons within the monitor control labeled “Analog => Digital). The console
program remembers any settings that you make, and all settings for all outputs are
maintained independently.
Remember that all of the monitor controls remain in effect even when they’re not
displayed. The degree of attenuation (or muting) of each level is set by the monitor
controls. The console program constantly maintains a level setting for each of the
monitor paths it controls. Clicking on either the “Analog” or “Digital” output
control button simply selects the settings that are displayed.
VxD console – Mia and MiaMIDI