VxD console – Gina24 and Layla24
Instead of level meters, each monitor control has a series of
numbered buttons. These buttons allow you to select which output
channel pair controls are displayed, so you can adjust them.
The monitors are one of the most powerful functions of the
console. When you are recording, these controls allow you to set
the level at which each input signal will be monitored at each of
the outputs, independent of the main output level control.
When setting a monitor level, you must first select the input that
will be monitored, and then select the output for which you will set
the monitor level. Selection of the input is really just a matter of using the correct
monitor control box. A monitor setting will always affect the input pair that is
directly above it. To set the monitor for inputs 1/2, for example, simply go to the
monitor control directly below inputs 1/2 and click on one of the buttons found in
the center of the control.
Let’s say you want to set the level at which input pair 1/2 is monitored for each of
the four stereo analog output pairs on Layla24. You would first find the monitor
control that corresponds to inputs 1/2 (the control on the far left, directly below the
input control for channels 1/2). Clicking on the button within this box labeled “1”
causes the control box to display the currently selected levels at which inputs 1/2
are being monitored at outputs 1/2. Clicking on the button labeled “3” would
cause the control box to display the currently selected levels at which inputs 1/2
were being monitored at outputs 3/4. You can move through the remaining
buttons, setting the level at which inputs 1/2 are monitored at each of the four
output pairs, as well as the S/PDIF “D” and ADAT “A#” outputs. The console
program remembers any settings that you make, and all settings for all outputs are
maintained independently.
You cannot monitor the S/PDIF inputs through the ADAT outputs and vice
versa (Layla24 and Gina24). This is because you can only use one digital mode
(S/PDIF or ADAT) at any given time. For more information, please see the section
Digital Mode Switch
” later in this manual.
VxD console – Gina24 and Layla24