Mount the pressure vessel(s) with the provided brackets vertical (with the flow upwards) or horizontal
in a convenient location away from the heat of the engine as close as possible to the high pressure
The membrane is sealed within its housing by plugs at both ends. Inside the housing is a small amount
of preservative to keep the membrane moist and prevent bacterial growth. The shelf life of the
preservative, under best conditions, is one year.
When all other components and hoses/tubes are completely assembled, remove the caps on the high
pressure fittings and the sealed tube from the product water outlet on the membrane housing/s and
then finish making all final hose/tube connections. This will insure that the membrane is kept moist.
Mount the control panel preferable trough a bulkhead or on any panel in an easily accessible
location as close as practical to the membrane housing(s).
To avoid excessive mechanical stress, do not mount the sea
strainer directly to the sea-cock.
Connect the barbed fittings with the supplied coil reinforced intake
hose and secure all hoses below water level with two hose clamps. For boost pump installation refer to the
installation instructions for optional equipment (page 11).
Mount the pre-filter in a serviceable location and connect the bottom port of the cleaning / storage valve
with the 5/
8” reinforced vinyl hose to the
intake hose barb fitting of the high-pressure pump (lower fitting).
Secure the hose with hose supplied clamps.
CAUTION: Install all plumbing to eliminate any air pockets in the system.
If you have to re-seal NPT fittings, use a maximum of three wraps of Teflon tape on the
threads. Always keep the tape back from the end of the fittings (at least two threads). Do not allow any
tape to enter the system.
Mount the sea strainer with the provided 3/4" NPT nylon nipple directly to
the intake of the 20 micron pre-filter housing. If an optional boost pump is
required (refer to “Available Options and Accessories”), mount the sea
strainer in a serviceable location in between the sea-cock of your choice and
the boost pump.