P a g e
E730 Defra instruction manual |
current as of May 2015
All information supplied by
Ecco Stove
is a trade mark of Landy Vent UK Limited copyright©EccoStove2015
Ecco Stove
| Foster House
| 2 Redditch Road,
B80 7AX, United Kingdom
| +44 (0)1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
Patent pending USA, Canada, Europe & Russia | UK Patent nos: 2467433 & 2498883
Smoke may escape from the top of the doors opening until the stove has thoroughly warmed to 150˚ -
200˚C when the appliance is being re-fuelled. Run for a few minutes if the stove has reached 150˚C to
ensure combustion of the new fuel has begun, where upon the stoves temperature will normally
continue to rise.
Over firing warning
Never over fill the fire box, is 3 kg or so of split logs a typical full load.
Running the stove above 200˚C
constitutes over firing the stove and after which point damage may occur to the stove.
Under firing warning
If when re-firing; re-fuelling or lighting the Ecco stove, it must be fired up to 150˚C to 200˚C for each new
wood load for proper combustion – if allowed to “tick over” below this temperature tar build up will
occur and subsequent blocking of the flue ways.
Excessive draft over .006 inches of water gauge may be moderated by installing a draft diverter into the
flue pipe off the top of the stove and duly balanced. Speak to your retailer for advice or fitting.
A damper may be fitted into the stove pipe above the stove and flue cleaning door to reduce the flues
draft when the fire has died down. The damper must leave 20% of the flue area open to prevent
spillage from the stove.
Ash removal must only be carried out when the stove is not alight as by removing the ash drawer would
overfire the appliance.
To remove ash collected in the ash drawer, simply pull out the ash drawer which may be fully extracted
for emptying.
Always re-fit the ash drawer fully after emptying and then follow the lighting/firing procedure at 12b
and 13b in this instruction manual.