Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
NE2-S1/NE2-S1-TB User Manual
Copyright © 2012–2024 , Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
enabled, the device will parse whether the data header is correct, such as "NETAT". If the data
NETAT123 is sent, an error will be reported by the device. The reason is that the device will
recognize that the command currently sent is an illegal command, so The data will not be sent,
so please pay attention when using it.
4.6Modbus gateway
Note: The device supports two links. After the MOdBus gateway is set, it is effective for both links.
4.6.1Simple protocol conversion mode
After turning on simple protocol conversion, TCP to RTU conversion is enabled: Modbus RTU
protocol and Modbus TCP protocol are converted to each other, and non-Modbus data (R TU/TCP )
is directly discarded.
TCP to RTU closed: protocol conversion is not performed but Modbus data is verified, and
non-Modbus data (R TU/TCP ) is discarded.
Simple protocol conversion can work in any mode ( TCP client, TCP server, U DP client, U DP
server, M QTT client, HTTP client). No matter what mode it works in, there can only be one Modbus
master station. .
Configuration tool configuration :