Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
E180-Z5812SP Product Manual
Copyright ©2012–2019,
Chengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Period1 Period2 duty1 duty2 FF
FA 21
FA 21
Pwm Peripheral configuration data format
6 Byte
PwmId start/stop Period1 Period2
duty1 duty2
PwmId : channel ID
channel ID
PC2 port
PD2 port
PC3 port
PC4 port
start/stop: Start and stop channel PWM output
0xFF means to start PWM in units of 1mS, the parameter range is 0-340, and the maximum period that can be set is
340mS. When the period parameter is less than 2, the period parameter is 2, and the period is 2mS ( 2*1mS ).
0xFE means to start PWM in units of 0.5uS, the parameter range is 0-3400, and the maximum period that can be set is
1700uS ( 3400*0.5 ). When the period parameter is less than 2, the period parameter is 2, and the period is 1uS ( 2*0.5uS )
0x00 means stop PWM
The cycle time of pwm (determine the unit of the cycle and the maximum cycle according to the start/stop byte)
Period1 represents the high 8 bits of the period
Period2 represents the lower 8 bits of the period
The duty cycle time of pwm (according to the start/stop byte determines the unit of the period and the maximum
duty1 represents the upper 8 bits of the duty cycle
duty2 represents the lower 8 bits of the duty cycle
1. The value of the period “period” must be greater than the duty cycle duty. It is recommended that the difference between the period
“period” and the duty cycle duty be greater than 2ms. If the period is smaller than the duty cycle, the system will default that the period
“period” is equal to twice the duty cycle duty. Here, the duty cycle Duty cycle means high time.
2. The PWM period units of the 4 channels need to be the same, and some of the 4 channels cannot be configured as ms level and
some as us level, because the frequency division coefficients of the millisecond level and microsecond level are different, if some are
configured as milliseconds level, and some configurations are at the microsecond level, which will cause the frequency division factor
to be based on the last configuration.
6.6.21 User adc parameters
Read instruction format:
command format
command example
FE 03 22 adcid FF
FB 22 adcid voltage1 voltage2
FE 03 22 00 FF
FB 22 00 0C E4
Adc peripheral read data format (3 Byte): adcid voltage1 voltage2
ADC channel ID