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Warning indication
The precautions given here are to assure safe and correct operation of the pump and to prevent
injury of you and other people, and damage of facilities. The precautions are classified to "Warning"
and "Caution" for the details of danger and damage expected to arise in case of mal-handling of the
pump in terms of the magnitude and the urgency of injury and damage. Since both the "Warning"
and the "Caution" describe serious matter relating to safety, the contents shall be observed in any
Description of the indication
Terms of warning
Wrong handling expects to raise a danger resulting in death or serious injury of
the operator.
Wrong handling expects to raise a danger resulting in slight injury of the
operator or sole physical damage.
Providing specific precautions or specifically emphasizing information.
Description of symbol
Forbidden (not allowed to execute)matter.
Detail forbidding contents are instructed in or near the symbol by a sketch or a
Compulsory (forceful execution) matter.
Detail compulsory contents are instructed by a sketch of a sentence given near
the symbol.