Tel 800 992 5013 / +1 508 234 6158
Passive Point Source
Application Guide
<UTILITY> pages. The “AES3 IN” indicator illuminates when one or more of the inputs is using
an AES3 source.
Parameter Encoders
– Two velocity sensitive parameter encoders are used to adjust
parameters shown on the display. Up to three parameters at a time are displayed on the screen.
The parameter name is shown above the parameter value in each of the three screen sections.
Use SELECT to highlight the parameter, then ADJUST to change it.
Bridge Indicator
– This will illuminate when the channel pair is in Bridge mode. The controls
for the left channel of the pair will determine the settings. See Bridge Mode
Mute Buttons
– DSP output mute status is indicated and controlled by an illuminated button
for each channel. These flash when the entire unit is muted from the AUXA port or from EAW
Resolution software Mute-All, or if this channel has been muted by the protection systems.
Amplifier Indicator
– This indicates when the amplifier protection systems are reducing the
gain to keep the parameters of the amplifier within specification, or when that the channel is
Driver Indicator
– This indicates the output limiter is engaged.
Limiter Indicators
– The output indicators shows the status of the limiter and output level.
The level indicated is that before the limiter, referenced to the limiter threshold. The <SIG>
indicator shows when a signal is present on the output. The second indicator <-6dB> shows that
the signal has reached 6dB below the limiter threshold. The third <LIMIT> indicator indicates
that the threshold of that output channel has been reached.
UXA4410 Amplifier Output Connections
Note : The UXA4410 amplifier can produce high voltages at their outputs. Always use genuine
Neutrik NL4 connectors. Un-bridged outputs must use Class 2 or class 3 wiring. Bridged channel
pairs must use Class 3 wiring. Custom wiring must only be performed by qualified personnel.
The UXA4410 amplifier is fitted with one NL4 connector per amplifier channel.. The appropriate
conductor terminations are shown below and on the rear panel of the unit.