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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A.
Effective 6/01 (ISI)
Style QS4500TE0001 H01
Printed in U.S.A.
Step 10: ATHI/ATVI Power Failure Test - Initiate a Load
Test by simulating an actual power failure.
(1) This should be done by opening the upstream
breaker or fused disconnect switch.
(2) If the ATS is Service Equipment Rated with no
upstream disconnect, use the Normal Control Circuit
Disconnect to simulate a power failure (Figure 10).
This can be found in one of two places. The first
would be located directly beside the normal breaker.
The second would be located on the transformer
panel/customer connection panel. The normal con-
trol circuit disconnect is the disconnect marked
Normal. The disconnect switch should be in the ON
position for normal operation. Turning the switch to
the OFF position will simulate a normal power out-
Figure 10 Control Disconnect
(3) The generator should start and the ATS should
transfer to Emergency.
(4) After transfer, close the upstream breaker, or
close the Normal Control Circuit Disconnect. The
TDEN timer should begin counting, and, when com-
plete, the ATS should transfer to Normal. The En-
gine Cooldown Timer should time out and shut the
emergency power unit down.
While performing testing, if an undesired or undoc-
umented result occurs, first contact the local
Genset dealer. If the result is not corrected, contact
the Cutler-Hammer Product Integrity Center at
OFF Position
ON Position