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Effective 6/01
Step 8: Manually start the engine generator at the gen-
erator controller (Figure 8). With the generator running,
check that the
Emergency Source (Source 2) Available
LED is lit. Press the <Display Select> pushbutton to
display the voltage and frequency on Source 2. Then
using the <Step> pushbutton, step through the phase
voltages, frequency and message display. If the source
message indicates that the source is
Good, shut down
the generator and place the genset controller in the
Auto operating position. If the message indicates a
problem with the source, the setpoints should be
reviewed, and the generator checked for proper voltage
and frequency output.
Step 9: Initiate a
Load Test from the front panel of the
IQ Transfer (Figure 9). This may be done by making the
TMODE setpoint
1 and pressing the <Engine Test>
pushbutton. The generator should start, the ATS should
transfer and run on the generator for the set test inter-
val, then proceed to a TDEN countdown and return to
NORMAL. While the tansfer switch is connected to
emergency, use a voltmeter to check for correct system
voltage on the load terminals of the transfer switch.
Check all phases on a three-phase system. Voltage
measurements should be taken phase to phase and
phase to neutral. A
load test will cause a momentary
power outage during transfer.
Figure 8 IQ Transfer Logic (Utility Supplying Load and
Generator Running)
Figure 9 IQ Transfer Logic (During Test)
The following lights must be ON:
Source 1 Available
Source 1 Preferred
Source 1 Connected
Source 2 Available
Load Energized
The following lights must be ON:
Source 1 Available
Source 1 Preferred
Source 2 Available
Source 2 Connected
Load Energized