Network Management Card
– User Manual 103 006 826 FA
4.4.2 System
Click on "System" in the menu.
This menu enables the customization of the information on the
UPS properties
UPS Contact: This text field is limited to 49 characters. Enter the name of the person responsible for UPS
administration at IT network level and/or electrical maintenance. This field does not appear on any other Web
page. By default, its value is "Computer Room Manager".
UPS Location: Enter a description (limited to 31 characters) of the location of the UPS in your installation (e.g.
Computer room E1-C066). This text is displayed in the home page. By default, its value is "Computer Room".
Default Language: Enables initialization of the browser language at card connection.
Choice of one of the available languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian changes the language of the
html interface pages (reboot the browser after modification).
History log interval: [from 5 to 99999 sec., 60 by default]. Measurement save period.
Environment log interval: [from 60 to 99999 sec., 300 by default]. Temperature and humidity measurement save
period. Reset Communication button: performs a remote reboot of the card without modifying the configuration.
This action is compulsory for consideration of any changes made on the "Network Settings" page. Security of this
operation is ensured by requesting Login and Password.