Instruction Booklet
Effective July 2021
Instructions for Eaton’s 7.2 kV Ampgard AR
(arc resistant motor control center)
(Compliant to IEEE C37.20.7-2017)
Section 6: Designated arc gas vent area
6.1 Arc gas vent area
Protection should be provided for both the effects of the overpres-
sure, the thermoacoustic blast created by the arc, and the effects of
exposure to the arc. To mitigate these hazards, Ampgard AR vents
the hot arc gases produced away from designated areas and the
personnel that could be present. Personnel cannot be permitted in
the arc gas vent area during normal operation.
The following figures show the minimum requirements, so that the
installation does not cause escaping gases to reflect back into the
areas designated as accessible by the rated accessibility type. In
addition to these guidelines, the arc gas vent area should not bring a
personnel closer than the arc protection boundary specified by NFPA
70E and determined by IEEE 1584.
Figure 31. Minimum requirements for the arc gas vent area.
Top view
Side view