PC-8R Installation Guide Version 1.0 Rev 1.1
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Install the main fuse last. Make sure all connec ons that you need to make, are made, before
installing the main fuse. We also recommend that the PC
8R mini blade fuses be installed
with the main fuse removed. When ready to test, install the main fuse.
Check carefully that nothing has been dropped into the fuse box before a aching the cover.
The fuse box has a spare fuse posi on. This can be used to store a spare fuse or two fuses, if
only one leg of each fuse is used. For offroad riders, we recommend that the only 1 spare be
fully inserted into both fuse clips.
When using cable es, avoid tying wires so ght, that it put pressure on connec ons. The e
is to keep the cable in place and should just be ght enough such that the e does not move.
Avoid storing so cloths on top of the PC
8R. So rags can be put in small plas c containers
and stored.
Avoid running cables near seat mechanisms or devices that move, or if there is no choice,
e the cable into posi on, so It cannot be damaged by the mechanism.
Ensure that all cables entering the PC
8R screw terminals, do not have frayed wires that could
cause a short. If not possible to get the cable in cleanly, any frayed wires can be trimmed off.
The bare wire connec on to the PC
8R ( stripped sec on ), can be 5mm to 6mm ( 1.4” ).
Avoid stripping too long a sec on of wire.
If the wire size is large 2mm
( 14AWG ) or larger, avoid twis ng the strands as this increases
the wire diameter. To get the wire into the screw terminal, squeeze together & straighten the
strands as much as possible, then fit the wire into the terminal at an angle and once the
lower stands are in, apply a ny amount of downward pressure as you insert the wire.
Eastern Beaver does all it’s tes ng using Japanese made, copper mul strand wire. Please
note that not all wires are created equal, and some of the stated current carrying capaci es
of cheaper wires, are ques onable. CCA ( Copper coated Aluminum ) for example has about
twice the resistance of pure copper wire for a given diameter.